Docker expose

Deploying a Static Web Site on Docker with Nginx and EC2 Set by step.


1 min read

🎯Create a Security Group (Firewall )

🎯Launch EC2

🎯Connect through MobaXterm/Putty/super Putty

🎯Install Docker in EC2

🎯Docker expose

Create a Security Group:

· Create a new security group

· Inbound rules: ALL TCP and

· Outbound rules: ALL TCP and

Select -> Create Security Group

Launch EC2:

select >Amazon >linux

Select Key pair

Select the Security Group that we have created, that already exists

Connect through MobaXterm/Putty/super Putty

Install Docker in EC2

Update OS packages: sudo yum update -y

sudo amazon-linux-extras install docker

Pull the Image from the Docker hub and commands with a brief Explanation real-time use case

Map a container port to a host port.
docker run -d -p 80:80 nginx
docker run -d -p <any-host-port>:80 nginx

Go to any Browser and type your EC2 Instance ip on url tab

now I'll log in to the nginx container and see what is there inside change web page add new HTML page

docker exec -it <ID> bash

Docker expose

cd /usr/share/nginx/html

root@5d09a9a40544:/# /usr/share/nginx/html# echo “ Welcome to Maaz DevOps-Community ” > index.html

Thank you for reading!