


4 min read

What is DevOps

DevOps is a combination of two words i.e. Dev + Ops, Dev stands for the development and Ops stands for Operations.

To Learn this whole Deployment cycle must learn the following tools:

  • Linux:

    It is one of the first steps toward the journey of DevOps. It helps us to provide security and also an open-source kernel so it is free of cost and also lightweight. If you are the window friendly user then you can use the virtual box or VMware which helps us to provide the virtual environment to host your Linux machine. For eg: Redhat, Centos, Ubuntu and much more.

  • Git:

    It is a version control system that helps us to manage our code in very efficient ways that will help in our industries which are under the IT sector. Git also helps us to work simultaneously on a single project.

  • GitHub:

    It is a Hub of all the git repositories, repository means that like a folder of our project. All the developers have stored their project repository on GitHub then they control their version as well as manage that code easily.

  • Ansible:

    It is a configuration management tool that helps us to configure or base setup easily after running the ansible-playbook means like a script. Like if you require to setup webserver on a 100's of systems in our lab then you only want to add all the Ip addresses in their inventory file and then run the script after connecting all the target nodes (the system in which you want to install the web server) to the control node ( system in which you want to play an ansible book ). Finally, you got that your all 100's system has a webserver configured.

  • Docker:

    The second most important tool which helps us to create a container is that means it will provide an environment according to the use case within seconds because it will use the resource of the base host machine.

  • Kubernetes:

    Kubernetes is used to create applications that are easy to manage and deploy anywhere. It automates operational tasks of container management and includes built-in commands for deploying applications, rolling out changes to your applications, scaling your applications up and down to fit changing needs, monitoring your applications, and more—making it easier to manage applications.

  • Jenkins:

    Jenkins is a tool that helps us to integrate the code into real-time deployment. They often ask what CD stands for in CI/CD, which can be confusing! CI means Continuous Integration, CD means Continuous Deployment and CD also means Continuous Delivery. For eg: If you have a use case i.e. have a git repository on GitHub and you can connect your Jenkins pipeline to GitHub and the triggers will help us to pull the code from GitHub when the developer deploys it on the github .

  • Cloud:

    You can learn any one cloud first like AWS, GCP, Azure and much more but you can only grab your full command on one cloud first then you can switch the cloud easily according to their use case in your industry. I recommend you to learn AWS cloud because it will provide you with a free tier account for 1 year with minimal services which help us to move ahead in your journey of cloud. After that, you can switch to any cloud in which you want to move forward.

  • Terraform:

    Terraform is an infrastructure as a code tool that help us to manage your infrastructure on a cloud which gives you to manage your cloud easily in today's competitive world.

What is Automation, Scaling, and Infrastructure

DevOps automation is the process of removing unnecessary or repetitive tasks to streamline workflows within the DevOps lifecycle. Automation is achieved using tools and process adjustments for faster deliveries and higher-quality applications.

In short, it’s about DevOps scaling practices with security and quality embedded every step of the way. Implementing DevOps best practices can mean a radical shift from the way an organization currently works. The entire team must buy into this new approach.

DevOps infrastructure or Infrastructure Automation under DevOps refers to a concept that revolves around the idea of managing infrastructure with the help of code. This is done with the help of certain tools or programs which can help to carry out the tasks automatically!